One more postcard: 99-cent mammoth
Found on mantle: A postcard
I’m housesitting for my friend Tom while he honeymoons. There’s a postcard of mine on the mantle above the fireplace. I sent it to him shy of a year ago. I enjoyed re-reading the message, so I thought I’d post it here.
Message on postcard:
Yo! TW! What’s up my homeslice! Greetings from Santiago, Chile. I fly home tomorrow. Most of my time here was spent making friends with the llama you see on this postcard. His name is Scruffy Sweaters, Junior. But don’t be fooled. His cute name hides a tragic past. During The Cosby Show‘s broadcast run, over 5,000 llamas were cruelly exploited to provide raw wardrobe materials for the program’s eponymous star. But today with your help we’re changing things. Friends used only 200 llamas during its last three seasons, and today New Yankee Workshop is the first TV show to be certified llama safe. Will you support our valuable work?
A few more postcard collages
These are postcard collages that went to my Kickstarter project backers at the forty dollar level. They also got a two-page letter and some zany crap I found while traveling.
Collage correspondence, part 5: First points west
After leaving Iowa and heading west, I wrote notes to project backers on a few custom postcards that I had made during the last leg of my trip. Here they are: