Sometimes I like to glue things onto my roommates’ food.
Awful obnoxious buzzer
Subscription postcards: Double rainbow, tree blossoms, chevrotain
Message on postcard:
Hi Beth — The other day I saw a double rainbow. It was not as exciting as YouTube had led me to believe. But it was still pretty good.
Message on postcard:
Hello Carmel — Happy springtime! All the trees in Portland, Oregon are covered with blossoms. Up in the mountains it’s still snowing. Down here in the Willamette Valley, fallen flower petals just look like snow. It’s neat.

Message on postcard:
The animal on this postcard is a called a chevrotain. They look like tiny deer and live in Asia. They are smaller than dogs and cats!
Subscription postcards: Space beings, tacos, nano challah
Message on postcard:
Hi Kathleen — I’m out at a trailhead in the Salmon-Huckleberry, camping in my van. Last night my girlfriend Mandy and I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey on my laptop. A great big truck drove up and parked next to us during the creepy ending part where the astronaut goes through the lights and turns into a space fetus. My first concern was malevolent extraterrestrials. Hers was drunken hillbillies. She is the realistic one in this relationship.
Message on postcard:
Hey Jeff — Today in the grocery store checkout line I saw a “Make your own taco sticker activity book”. I am glad that hungry stoners finally have a place to buy aspirational lifestyle sticker books.

Message on postcard:
Erin: Greetings from a coffee shop, where today’s roast is allegedly called “nano challah”. I didn’t see any braided, microscopic bread in my cup; consequently I am uncertain about the derivation of its name. I think the baristas might be pulling my leg.

Postcard: So damn busy
Message on postcard:
On my to-do list for today is the task “clean desk”. This postcard is one of the items on my desk, so by writing something to you and sending it off in the mail, it’s like I’m being productive and responsible. I bought a big stack of these postcards in 2006 when I saw them —
Oops. Steve just showed up to give a drum lesson to my roommate Tony, and I sorta got sidetracked mid-sentence there. Anyway … I saw these postcards in the airport in Iowa and I bought a big stack and this is the last one. I don’t think I’ve sent one to you yet, so I’m sending it now.
Things in Portland are okay. I’m building my first grown-up website right now — by that I mean something more than a vanilla WordPress install — and it’s been fun and challenging and rewarding, and the best antidote to depression that I know aside from exercising and taking actual medication. Ever play so much Tetris that you dream about it? Apparently that’s a somewhat common phenomenon. I’m dreaming about computer problems lately. Good stuff.