15 Nov. 2017
Hey Matt — How are you doing, man? We’re both dads now. That’s pretty wild. I’m currently enjoying a Jim Beam from your spring 2017 advent calendar. Truly it is the gift that keeps on giving. Back in 2005-ish, the advent calendar would have supplied enough alcohol for about half an evening of drinking. Now we’re both dads. Are you good at it yet? I feel like I’m just starting to get good at it.
Mandy is in Sedona with Max and a friend, so tonight I have a fire burning in the wood stove and I’m thinking about life. I spent the day doing paperwork and it’s good to have it done and now I’m just thinking about stuff. I ate four baked potatoes for dinner because that’s about the level I’m operating at right now, culinary-wise.
We should talk on the phone soon. Come visit Arizona some time. If we lived in a smaller country, it would be impossible to live so far apart. Germany is … like, Germany is the size Delaware. I mean it’s not, but you can’t get as far apart as Seattle and Arizona in Germany. Maybe at most Seattle and Boise. At most. I don’t know. Mostly I just wanted to say wow, and hi.
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