After visiting Frenchglen, I drove the Steens Loop Road up to the high, high county. I spent a few days up there. Of all the places I’ve visited this year, this is one of my favorites.
Aspen trees along the two-track leading up to my first night’s campsite.
The Kiger Gorge, too big to fit into one photograph. A guy I met up there told me that his fighter pilot nephew would do inverted fly-throughs of the gorge on training flights.
Looking north from the east rim of the mountain.
Wildhorse Lake from the summit.
Wildhorse Lake from the shore.
After leaving Steens, I drove south along the Catlow Rim and then hooked north toward the Alvord Desert, where I’m writing this today. Lots of good pictures from the playa yet to come, but that’s enough for now.
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